have difficulty retaining information when it is only given verbally.ask for instructions to be repeated even though they appeared to be focused and trying to listen the first time.miss some class instructions and have to watch or ask others what to do after verbal instructions are given.If there are any concerns about APD and/or attention, formal assessment is recommended. Students with APD may miss both highly rewarding instructions as well as instructions that they may wish to avoid. Some students will be on the margin between normal auditory processing and having APD. As with many conditions a student may have mild or severe APD. There are some factors to help you decide if a referral to a specialist is appropriate. How do I know if a student has APD or they are just not listening?ĪPD can only be diagnosed by specialised paediatric audiologists. Further, and more importantly, students with severe APD will struggle to hear even in smaller group situations if there is competing background noise. What is clear is that students with severe APD struggle to hear their teacher’s voice in some classroom situations and are likely to miss whole class verbal instructions. It is not yet clear if the learning difficulties are directly caused by the APD or if APD is one part of a range of difficulties experienced by some students. The research evidence gathered so far shows that APD often occurs along with a variety of learning difficulties. Little research has been completed to date that looks specifically at the effect of APD on learning outcomes. APD can also affect the clarity of the sound heard by the student. Understanding spoken information in difficult listening situations or when the information is not clear or concise. Students with APD may have difficulty hearing a single voice in noisy classroom situations. How does auditory processing disorder (APD) affect learning? What happens when a student transitions between schools?.Would my student be eligible for specialist assistive technology?.What if specialist assistive technology is required?.What support is available through the Ministry of Education?.What should I do if I suspect a student has APD?.What school and classroom strategies can help students hear?.How do I know if a student has APD or they are just not listening?.How does auditory processing disorder (APD) affect learning?.(Children with a hearing loss may also have poor auditory processing, however, the term APD is not used for these cases). People with APD do not have a sensory hearing loss so APD cannot be identified from a regular hearing test but requires specialised audiological assessments. Sounds are jumbled during neural processing in the brain. Ministry Bulletin for School Leaders | He Pitopito KōreroĪuditory Processing Disorder (APD) is a hearing disorder in which the ears process sound normally but the hearing centres and circuits of the brain don’t correctly process incoming auditory information.Property, procurement and school transport.Te Mahau Advisory for Young People with Disabilities.In-Class Support funding for students with ongoing learning needs.Supporting children and young people with autism.Entering into a Specialist Education Agreement (previously known as Section 9 Agreements).National Transition Guidelines for students with additional learning needs.Information for schools about teacher aide funding.Supporting students with speech, language and communication needs.Te Kahu Tōī, Intensive Wraparound Service (IWS).Behaviour services to help schools and students.Supporting children who are deaf and hard of hearing.Support for children who are blind or have low vision.Special Assessment Conditions and Assistive Technology.Peer reviewing the assistive technology application.Examples of students using assistive technology.Forms and information sheets for assistive technology.When a student transfers or leaves school.Setting up and managing the assistive technology.Assistive technology assessment framework is based on the SETT framework.Getting help for students with additional learning needs from the Specialist Teacher Outreach Service.Resource Teachers: Learning and Behaviour Service.

The education and disability legislation guiding our approach to learning support.English for speakers of other languages (ESOL).