Update your software: Check you are running the latest version of macOS available for your Mac.Then plug in some headphones while pressing and holding one of the volume buttons to see if that fixes the problem. Try blowing into the port to see if you can dislodge whatever it is.

(Some Macs show a red light next to the port to alert users.) If the port is blocked the Mac may be acting as if headphones are plugged in. Check the headphone jack for debris: There may be something blocking the port, a bit of fluff or dust.If there is just a cable plugged into one of those ports remove that too. Check your ports: Disconnect anything that is plugged into your Mac-not just from the audio port as Thunderbolt, HDMI, and USB devices could be channeling the audio.If they are remove them and you should hear sound playing through the Mac’s internal speakers. Look for external devices: Check your headphone socket and make sure there are no earphones or speakers connected to the Mac or that your Mac has paired with a nearby set of AirPods or other earbuds.Turn your Mac off and on again: Even if you’re restarted recently, after changing some settings you can try restarting again to see if it solves the issue.The video may be muted by default, requiring you to choose to hear the sound. If you are watching a video in Safari and there is no sound you will find sound controls in the video window so you should be able to adjust it there. Check a different app: It is possible that the sound is playing in Music, but not in Safari, this may be because the sound is turned off in Safari.If you are using Big Sur or Monterey this will be in the Control Panel section of the menu bar.